I read these comments from leadership guru John Maxwell's long time Executive Assistant, about leadership.
1. You set the atmosphere.
Having the right personnel and the right principles in an organization sets the right atmosphere. This is the leader’s responsibility. You cannot delegate atmosphere to someone else as the leader. You set the tone.
2. You are secure.
Be the first to apologize. Be the first to forgive. Be humble. Be vulnerable. Unrealistic views of yourself create unrealistic views of success for others.
3. You connect.
Who wants to have a relationship where connection only happens when something is wrong? Connect frequently and connect on common ground. Continually move from your world to others, and allow others to move into yours.
4. You are generous.
Be generous with your time; be generous with your recognitions; and be generous with your communication.
5. You are teachable.
You must know your weaknesses and ask for accountability in those areas. If there is a better way, then adopt that way! Andrew Carnegie said, “I owe whatever success I have attained by and large to my ability to surround myself with people who are smarter than I am.”
6. You know what is important to you.
Know your priorities in life and put them in order. This allows you to set expectations for yourself and others. Good leaders know where they are going and have plans to get there.
A great list! But a recurring theme for my life and work the past year has been, "Put something in play." In this age of "thought leaders" and "influencers," it seems to me there is a tendency to talk about how things should be more than being an implementer. Putting a plan or action into play. If we want to grow as leaders, it will take more than reading a book and discussing it. What will we do? What will I do?
For me, #6 above stands out. I say God is first, family and friends are second, and I am third. I have realized my time usage doesn't always reflect that. I am building in some specifics on my calendar that will help assure the way I spend my time is more relective of what I claim is most important to me.
How about you? What are you putting into play? Let me know if I can help.