I hear a lot of people who express their desire to be successful. To have a position of leadership at work. To be "great." They have a vision of being at the top of the hill. Are we aiming at the wrong goal?
Legendary men's basketball coach at UCLA, John Wooden, coined the phrase, "competitive greatness." What Coach Wooden means by this is striving to be the best WE can be, not trying to be the best. It means being the best YOU, not measuring yourself against the successes or accolades of others. It means we have a great love for the battle. That we have an excitement for the journey and not just a desire for a trophy.
My goal today is to be the best I can be. Not to be better than Phil, or Dick, or Donna. But to be a better me
My goal today is to embrace the battle of self improvement and celebrate the little victories over the hurdles that hold me back like pride, envy, or being lazy.
My goal today is to find joy in the journey and to find something to be thankful for this morning!