Finding Fulfillment in Nonwork Communities


Hi Friends,

It has been two years since I began with the Pittsburgh Experiment. Thanks for being part of making it a great couple of years! Since I began my tenure, I have done a lot of reading on how relationships have been replaced with "connections" or "contacts." We are clearly a more connected world that at the same time has grown more isolated and lonely. Here is another article reinforcing those findings.

"It is essential to invest in meaningful relationships outside of work. Our research has repeatedly shown that people who thrive are anchored in at least one or two nonwork communities. This is more than blowing off steam on a treadmill or reading a book alone at night....Making time for nonwork commitments is not just fulfilling; it also helps sustain your mental and physical energy. Relationships outside work broaden our perspective and tap into aspects of our identity that don’t rise and fall with how well things are going in the office."

I had someone early on tell me that PX groups were struggling and would continue to do so in the future because of social media and the increasingly crazy pace of life. What seems to be more accurate is that PX groups are needed now, more than ever. We provide a warm, welcoming, judgement-free space where all are welcomed into a safe community.

What's preventing you from inviting someone into your group?

What's preventing you from checking out a group yourself this week? Remember, Relationships outside work broaden our perspective and tap into aspects of our identity that don’t rise and fall with how well things are going in the office."

Chris Buda