When Things Get Better, Will I Go Back To DOING More And Praying Less?


I was asked to write a short article for a men's ministry group at which I speak occasionally. I don't usually share such "devotionals" in my Monday Morning Encouragement, But I thought it would be ok this once in such unique times. Even if faith is not a part of your life, I encourage you to read on and see how the principle in the article applies to your life.  What have you learned, earned or had burned into your spirit that you will carry with you as life progresses back to what we are used to?  When you head back to the office in the future, what will be different about you?

October 6th, 1993 Michael Jordan retired from basketball in the prime of his career. I remember this because it was the first thing I saw on TV when I woke up from a 7-hour back surgery. I thought I was hallucinating. I was a 30 year old former athlete who was just hoping to walk again. I spent the next two weeks mostly on my back. For a very active, Type-A person it was excruciating. I couldn’t DO anything.

But God met me where I was. He called me to spend more time with Him. To pray. To turn over all I could not do to His care and trust Him to do it. It was an amazing time of intimacy with Jesus and watching Him work. My times of prayer and worship had never been so good. But something happened. I got better.

As my back healed I was up and about more. I got back to work. And as I was able to DO more, I began to pray less. You think I would have learned. But despite a hard situation forcing me to pray and trust God more and watching Him work, I fell into the bad habit of DOING first and praying later.

Today we find ourselves in a hard situation forcing us to pray and trust God more and watching Him work. We are at the end of our rope which has forced us to cling to the Lord. My prayer life has again been transformative. The question is, when things get better, and they will, will I go back to DOING more and praying less? Or will I allow the Holy Spirit to transform me and my prayer life permanently?

Lord God, use this difficult period of time to make me a person who always “prays without ceasing.” Not just in the hard times, but at all times.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart
    and lean not on your own understanding;
in all your ways submit to him,
    and he will make your paths straight  

Proverbs 3:5-6